Sharma, S. & Sinha, S. (2019) “Gendered Bihar: An Investigative Study at the Interface of Language- Gender- Power” in Singh, S. & Sinha, S. (ed.) Linguistic Ecology of Bihar: Lincom Europa: ISBN: 9783862889839.
Sinha, S. (2019) “Language – Culture Interface Study: a Semasiological Sociopragmatic Investigation of Magahi Idioms” in Singh, S. & Sinha, S. (ed.) Linguistic Ecology of Bihar: Lincom Europa: ISBN: 9783862889839.
Begum, N. & Sinha, S. (2019) “An Investigative Study of the Linguistic Landscaping of Bihar: A Pilot Study of Patna” in Linguistic Ecology of Bihar : Lincom Europa: ISBN: 9783862889839.
Toppo, R; Mahela, R.; Begum, N; Sharma. S. & Sinha, S (2019) “Vanishing Indentity of Migrants in Bihar- An Ethno- Linguistic Sketch of Lathor Community” in Linguistic Ecology of Bihar: Lincom Europa: ISBN: 9783862889839.