For participants (Only Students):
Bus 1(UP65DT-0590):Patna Junction (11.00 am), Danapur Jubction (12.15 pm), Contact- 8958331729 & 8777546136)
Bus 2(UP65ET-9129):Patna Junction (1.00 pm), Danapur Jubction (2.15 pm), Contact- 9508814691 & 7991080980)
Bus 3(UP65DT-0590):Patna Junction (3.00 pm), Danapur Jubction (4.15 pm), Contact- 9102543825
For invited Speakers and Foreign postdoc/participants: There is an
arrangement to receive the conference guests at Patna Airport, Patna
Junction And Danapur Junction. Our students will communicate and
arrange vehicle to reach IIT Patna
Foreign delegates:
Enter the amount in INR during the payment in SBI Collect,
For example- $500 = 500*Rs.84.47 ( dated- 27/11/2024)= Rs 42,235
So, enter the Rs 42,235/- in the icollect (SBI collect).
Who ever already paid 500 or 5000 ( reflecting in
our account only Rs. 500 and Rs. 5000). please pay rest amount by registering again.
The fourth edition of this distinguished series, AC2MP 2024, organized by the Department of Physics
at the Indian Institute of Technology Patna, is designed to bring together experts from the field of
condensed matter physics and allied communities across the Asia-Pacific region.
The Department of Physics at IIT Patna was established and began its activities in August 2008 to
train undergraduate engineering students. In July 2009, the department initiated a Ph.D. program in
various frontier fields of Physics. The M. Tech program in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology ran in the
department from July 2012 until July 2019. The department has been offering a 2-year M. Sc. program
in Physics since July 2016 and a 4-year B. Tech in Engineering Physics from July 2021. Committed to
engaging in high-quality research and the pursuit of excellence in teaching, the faculty members of
the department are actively involved in research and development in challenging areas of both theory
and experiment. Currently, the main research emphasis of the department comprises Condensed Matter
Physics, Quantum Physics, Optics, Biophysics, Atomic & Molecular Physics, and High-energy physics.
Nestled in the historical city of Patna in the State of Bihar, surrounded by cultural richness and
academic excellence, it is anticipated that the active participation of attendees will enhance the
conference experience and contribute significantly to the global discourse on condensed matter