Workshop (online) On Intelligent Edge Computing for Cyber-Physical System and Cloud Computing (Sponsored By: ICPS Division - DST) 4th - 6th March, 2022

This workshop is aimed at giving Faculty, Research Scholars and Students an in-depth understanding of terminologies and the core concepts behind developing intelligentcomputing for edge devices and to fill the gap between CPS and Cloud. Moreover, the outcome of this workshop exhibits the latest research achievements and state-of-art research results to solve intelligent computing issues for CPCS. The specific topics include: Inception of Edge Computing, Edge AI, Connected Intelligence at Edge, Edge Data Analytics, Multi-modal Data Analytics at Edge, Challenges and Opportunities in Edge/Fog Management and Orchestration, Deep Learning Applications for CPSS, Research Areas for CPSS etc. This workshop is organized under the interdisciplinary Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS) division of DST.

For Further Enquiry Contact:
Prof. Rajiv Misra
Rohit Kumar Gupta (Research Scholar)


For more details about the workshop and the registration process:
Click Here For Workshop Brochure