Dear Research Scholars,

        I hope all of you are doing well. Hope you are abiding by govt guidelines on safety and discipline. This mail is cced to your guides also.

While I am staying inside, I am intensely busy in work of the institute (virtual means are a great help!). And I am also paying great attention to my safety and physical and mental fitness. I am doing surya namaskar every morning and light inside jogging every evening. The former increases muscle and joint flexibility and the latter cardio-vascular strength, besides giving numerous other benefits which scriptures and medical journals document.

I am finding again- and this time with increased definiteness- that remaining active in research contributes greatly to my MENTAL well being. Borrowing inspiration from the age old saying, "chhaatraanaam adhyanaM tapaH" (for students studying is tapasya), I would like to say "shodhkartaanaam svaadhyaayaM eva tapaH" (for researchers research is the tapasya). I am sure you are using your time very effectively for your research.

In these times, when per force you cannot do many things like travel, social gathering etc, you are probably spending more time with YOURSELVES. This investment in time is what our seers and sages asked us to do. "aatmaanam biddhi" (know thyself). Such introspection, reflection is also the modus operandi for deep investigation, asking and answering deep questions and building the foundation of your academic life. SO I request that those of you who are:

  • (a). Winding up your thesis, write your chapters very meticulously, while at the some pushing the intended journal and conference papers forward
  • (b). Starting you research, absorb all the foundational and state of the art material
  • (c). Midway (2.5th to 3rd year), pursue the tributaries that had opened up from your earlier work, but could not follow through for want of time
  • (d). Experimentalists, go back to your collected data and observations and finish analysing them; if your labs are open, devote this quiet time to perform experiments with concentration, of course by maintaining all safety disciplines.

MOST IMPORTANTLY, those of you who are doing anything related to pandemic research, let the institute know of the work. We researchers must earnestly look for solution to the COVID-19 problem that endangers our life and society and well being.

Research-Safety-Fitness: let these be your watchwords in these trying times which of course will pass.

विश्व का मुकुटमणि आई आई टी पटना
सदा तत्पर सदा जाग्रत पीछे ना जाने हटना ।|