AICTE-ATAL Sponsored Five Days Course on "Introduction to Blockchain Technology: Cryptocurrency and Beyond" (December 14-18, 2019)

Blockchain over recent years has been extolled as a revolutionary technology. Since the pioneer work in 2008, researchers have spent countless hours exploring its enormous potential, and today this new technology has become a source of new hope with its broad spectrum of applications. Examples include Supply-Chain, Insurance, KYC, E-voting, Land-Registry, Financial Services, IoT security, Healthcare, Copyright Protection, Smart Agriculture, E-governance and many more. A new addition to the power of blockchain technology comes with the support of smart contracts, an executable codes on blockchain, written in high-level turing complete language. The role of smart contract is to remove all intermediary untrusted third parties between the participating members and to automatically execute and enforce the terms of agreement between them. This course has been specially designed for the students, researchers, faculties, and industry personnel to provide them with an introductory yet exhaustive knowledge covering both theory as well as hands-on practices. No registration fee will be charged from the participants.

For more details about the course and the registration process:

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