@inproceedings{gupta-etal-2018-uncovering, title = "Uncovering Code-Mixed Challenges: A Framework for Linguistically Driven Question Generation and Neural Based Question Answering", author = "Gupta, Deepak and Lenka, Pabitra and Ekbal, Asif and Bhattacharyya, Pushpak", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning", month = oct, year = "2018", address = "Brussels, Belgium", publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics", url = "https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/K18-1012", doi = "10.18653/v1/K18-1012", pages = "119--130", abstract = "Existing research on question answering (QA) and comprehension reading (RC) are mainly focused on the resource-rich language like English. In recent times, the rapid growth of multi-lingual web content has posed several challenges to the existing QA systems. Code-mixing is one such challenge that makes the task more complex. In this paper, we propose a linguistically motivated technique for code-mixed question generation (CMQG) and a neural network based architecture for code-mixed question answering (CMQA). For evaluation, we manually create the code-mixed questions for Hindi-English language pair. In order to show the effectiveness of our neural network based CMQA technique, we utilize two benchmark datasets, SQuAD and MMQA. Experiments show that our proposed model achieves encouraging performance on CMQG and CMQA.", }