======Information for projects====== * {{:courses:2019:cs551:projectlist.pdf | Data resources and project ideas}} * Need to form groups with no more than 3 students by **22nd January**. * Deadline for submission of abstract **31st January**. * Please upload your file [[|here (intranet)]]. File name should be **proposal.pdf** * Project presentation will be held on **20th April**. **Time: 9:30 AM. Venue R303, Block - IX**. * You need to submit the following. * One slide summary of the project. Filename should be **summary.pdf** * Presentation slides. Filename should be **presentation.ppt** or **presentation.pdf**. You must submit a pdf version. * A small report on the project. This may be 5-6 pages long. Filename should be **report.pdf**. Use only latex template as provided. * Deadline for submission - ** 11:59 PM, 19th April, 2019**. Submission link is provided above. =====Template file for report submission===== \documentclass[11pt,english]{article} \usepackage{mathptmx} \usepackage[a4paper]{geometry} \geometry{verbose,tmargin=2cm,bmargin=2cm,lmargin=2cm,rmargin=2cm} \usepackage{babel} \begin{document} \title{Title of the project} \author{Student\_name (Roll Number), Student\_name (Roll Number), ....} \date{{}} \maketitle \section*{Project abstract} Here goes the project abstract. \section{Introduction} \section{Literature survey} \section{Objectives} \section{Summary of contributions} \subsection*{Unique / Innovative contributions or 'unique selling proposition' of the project} \section{Methodology} \section{Results} \subsection*{Description of dataset} \subsection*{Results \& discussion} \subsection*{GitHub link} \section{Conclusions} \end{document}