\documentclass[11pt,english]{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[latin9]{inputenc} \usepackage[a4paper]{geometry} \geometry{verbose,tmargin=2cm,bmargin=2cm,lmargin=2cm,rmargin=2cm} \makeatletter %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LyX specific LaTeX commands. %% Because html converters don't know tabularnewline \providecommand{\tabularnewline}{\\} \makeatother \usepackage{babel} \begin{document} \title{Title of the project} \author{ABC \& XYZ} \date{{}} \maketitle \section{Abstract of the project} Here is the project idea. \section{Introduction} \subsection{Literature survey} Briefly mention the existing works and a summary of the prior results. \section{Resources} Please mention data resources, tools, etc. that are used for the project. \subsection{Work done} This may include the following. \begin{itemize} \item Description of the data \item Exploration of different neural networks and observation from the same \item Error plot for validation set \item Final architecture \item Results from different optimization techniques \item github location for your code \item You may upload the data-set on github if it is developed by you. \item Include figures wherever it is required \end{itemize} \subsection{Future work} How to take it forward. \end{document}